CLUB LIFEstylers Brands & Offers
Here you can find all participating brands in Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets that are part of the CLUB LIFEstylers and have attractive offers for you as part of the 10% LIFEstylers Pass.
Become LIFEstyler nowIt only takes 30 seconds.
A - D
Betty Barclay (Excluding samples and reduced goods. Not combinable with other promotions)
Blank Home (From a minimum purchase value of 20€. Excluding already reduced items and all non-blank home items.)
Brax (Excluding basic articles)
Bruno Banani
Bugatti (Excluding already reduced merchandise. Cannot be combined with other promotions and coupons)
Camel Active (Cannot be combined with other promotions. Already reduced goods excluded)
Cecil/Street One (Excluding already reduced items and promotional items)
Cinque (Excluding already reduced items)
Coffee Fellows
E - H
Ecco (Excluding goods that are already reduced by 50% or more)
G-Star RAW (Not combinable with other promotions)
Garcia (Excluding special offers and already reduced items)
Haribo (Excluding boutique items, goods already reduced, surprise boxes 4kg/6kg and promotion bag 2kg.)
Hechter Paris
J - L
Jack & Jones
Jack Wolfskin
Le Creuset (Not combinable with promotions. Excluding reduced goods)
Levi´s (Not combinable with promotions. Excluding reduced goods)
M - P
Marc O´Polo (Cannot be combined with other promotions. Already reduced goods excluded)
Mountain Warehouse
Nike (Excluding double discounts. Cannot be combined with discount promotions)
Only (Excluding already reduced articles)
Only & Sons (Excluding already reduced articles. Not combinable with other promotions)
Pepe Jeans (Excluding already reduced merchandise. Not combinable with other promotions)
Petrol Industries (Excluding already reduced items and promotions)
R - S
Ravensburger (Excluding books)
Rich & Royal (Excluding basics, samples and already reduced items)
Samsonite (Excluding American Tourister & Samsonite Cosmolite)
Seidensticker (Not combinable with other promotions)
Sigikid (Not combinable with other promotions and discounts)
Sunglass Hut
T - W
Tefal (Excluding special prices)
The Body Shop
Tommy Hilfiger (Not combinable with other promotions)
Tom Tailor (Not combinable with other promotions and discounts)
Tom Tailor Kids (Not combinable with other promotions and discounts)
Triumph (Excluding bargains and MFO merchandise)
Vero Moda (Not combinable with promotions. Excluding reduced goods)
Watch Station (Not combinable with other promotions)
WMF (From a minimum purchase value of €100)
Being a part of CLUB LIFEstylers
You are not yet a LIFEstyler in our CLUB LIFEstylers? Then sign up for free right here and benefit from your 10% LIFEstylers Pass welcome discount, extra discounts and other specials throughout the year.